Monday, November 1, 2010

Waiting to O!

I think I can feel something happening. Last month I was completely taken off guard and had no idea it was going to happen until I saw that little smiley face on the OPK. But this time, I really think I feel something going on inside me. I hope it's not just in my head, but I don't think it is. The only "problem", is I'm feeling things on both sides! For the past few days I've been feeling a very noticeable "full" feeling on both sides of my low low belly. Twinges and small cramps also. I'm not sure what will happen, but usually if you feel twinges of both sides, from what I understand that typically means that both ovaries are preparing to release eggs. Kind of scary.. I wish my doctor was able to do an internal ultrasound so we could take a peek at my follicles to see what's going on.

Tonight when I got home, I forgot to take an OPK! What is wrong with me?! lol.. So I took one around 8 pm with urine held for barely 2 hrs. Not so good.. It looked really similar to the one I got RIGHT before my positive last month, so I think maybe tomorrow will be the day! :D
It hasn't even entered my mind that it might not work this month because of how I've been feeling these last few days. I hope I'm not setting myself up for disappointment, but I don't think so. :) Come on ovaries! It's almost baby time!