Monday, July 5, 2010

la dee da

It's been a quiet couple days on the TTC front. It's kinda weird. After spending so long taking the medication, and then obsessing about peeing on OPKs... Now there's nothing to do! I have to call the doctor back tomorrow to let her know that I found a lab that is open on sundays to do a blood draw. We are just covering all our bases in case CD 3 or CD 10 happens to come on a weekend. I HAVE to have my blood drawn THAT day otherwise the clomid challenge will not work. She'll then have me come by after work probably and pick up my prescriptions for the Provera just in case I need it, and the Clomid 100 mgs. And my lab slips, also.. Then it will be a few more days of waiting for AF to show. Sure hope she does, but we'll see! If not, the whole pill taking starts again. Only time will tell!