Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sperm Analysis Results!


Count: (normal) greater than 20 million (ours) 66 million
Motility: (normal) greater than 50% (ours) 78%
Forward Progression: (normal) 2-4 (ours) 3
Morphology: (normal) greater than 30% (ours) 44%

I know those terms and numbers may not mean a lot to some of you (trust me I was confused too lol) but basically it means my husband had awesome baby making spermies! Haha. :-) So yay! That was a great releif to hear that it's not both of us, it's just me. Come on Ovaries!!! Please cooperate!!!

On day 8 of Provera today so just a few more days before AF should be here! Woo hoo!