Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Do you ever have those days...

When you'd rather sit on the toilet 5 extra minutes doing nothing than dealing with cleaning up a heavy period? That's right folks, this post is coming to you via the toilet seat. Yuck. Being a woman really does suck sometimes lol. Maybe it's because I've been spoiled with no AF for over 6 months, but I just find it so unpleasant to deal with. This is by far my heaviest period since we started this whole ordeal. I have to change at least twice an hour and overnight last night was pretty bad. DH says it's because my uterus really is making room for our baby this time, so it's going to work :-) I love him. I hope it does! Taking my first dose of Clomid this afternoon at 1pm. Alright, alright. I suppose I should get back to reality and deal with this. Ew. *sigh*