Thursday, March 17, 2011

So now I'm "normal"?

What they heck body, WHAT GIVES!!!

Yesterday, I just ended my period that again, started on it's own, and that was a very normal 29 day cycle! Yay! I just don't understand it. When I was doing everything right, taking all the medication and vitamins and fertility drugs, nothing was happening. And now... now that I've been so pissed off at life and stopped giving a crap for 2 months about taking medication that was helping me or eating better, NOW I have a normal cycle.


Ah well. I guess maybe it's just nature's way of guiding me back on track. I didn't mean to give up on myself like that these last few months, but I guess if I take a second and look, it's what I did. I need to get back to the way things were headed.

A lot is changing in life right now, so why not do everything all at once, right?